Tuesday, August 31, 2004

2004 Catholic Voter Guide - A Service of the (Kerry) Catholics Voting Project

The Catholic Voting Project created its Catholic Voter Guide as a means of applying the principles outlined in Faithful Citizenship to the current public debate surrounding the U.S. Presidential Election. While there exist many Internet resources that explore such connections, we strive to be unique in providing a non-partisan approach to the issues at hand.

Non-partisan? Under Targeting of Civilians it states that President Bush, "while Commander in Chief, an estimated 10,000 Iraqis, 5,000 Afghanis, and 800 U.S. soldiers died in U.S. military operations. Over 400 children die every month in Afghanistan from unexploded land mines and cluster bombs." Under Senator Kerry it states, "Voted to support the use of force in Iraq and Afghanistan."

How is this non-partisan? Check out the site for yourselves. To me it's another site run by Kerry Catholics which bashes the president.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Denver's Archbishop Chaput said of pro-abort politicians: "They may try to look Catholic and sound Catholic, but unless they act Catholic in their public service and political choices, they're really a very different kind of creature."

No Catholic can support abortion and be a Catholic "in good standing."

As far as I am concerned, these people have ceased to be Catholic in any meaningful way.

Do they know the kind of damage they are doing in their relationship with God when they flout the Church's magestarium, when they promote licesntiousness, immoral behavior and the massacre of unborn children?

And they excuse it all by saying "I believe that X is wrong, but its also bad for me to impose my belief on others".

If X=Slavery or X=racial-discrimination, they are on board.

But make X=Abortion, X=Gay-Marriage, and they go off the rails.

Moral cowards, not brave enough to stand for the truths that the Church declares.

They should leave the Church and not come back until they are genuinely repentant. They are otherwise just mocking Christ with their "going through the motions" with no real faith, and coming to mass only twice a year (Christmas and Easter) to share in the Body and Blood when they are not the least bit repentant.

Do they say the Creed? Are they then LYING when they say "I Believe in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church"

They certainly are not recognizing the Apostolic part, and are abandoning the Holy part as well with their support, explicit and tacit, of evil and immoral behavior.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Kerry Katholic.

10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How very non-partisan of you, to take 1 outta 10 points made on that website, and from that one point, make your entire argument. How bout them other 9 points?

By the way, I kinda agree that the ONE point you addressed is biased. I mean, Kerry DID say he supported the war in Iraq and Afghanistan- that means he practically kilt them people using his bare hands. All Bush did was give the order.

12:03 AM  
Blogger David said...

Only 1 out of 9? No. I suggested you check out the site and see for yourself how slanted to Kerry it was. Sorry, I can't do all the work for you, you have to do some mouse clicking yourself. To help you a little, look at Care for the Earth, Rights of Workers, and Discrimination and tell me there is no bias there.

3:39 AM  
Blogger David said...

I'm saying this site is accusing the president, not Senator Kerry, of targeting civilians! That is outrageous.

4:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm saying this site is accusing the president, not Senator Kerry, of targeting civilians! That is outrageous.

The title is 'Targetting Civilians', but the website does not expressly accuse the president of doing so. If you're outraged by this sort of guilt by association type of ploy, you need tougher skin. Just turn on the tv or radio and listen to the way politicians speak- just listen to keynote speakers at the RNC! Politics ie partisan. I only call people liars when they cry foul because they don't think they do the same damn think themselves.

4:51 AM  
Blogger David said...

The problem is this site claims to be non-partisan and clearly is not. And again, like the bishops in Faithful Citizenship, it seems to equate all these issues. The Vatican and the USCCB both have stated defending life is first and foremost. Sites like this ignore that call and confuse Catholics.

5:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you non-partisan? They also claim to look at all issues, and to try to follow the guidelines laid out by the USCCB. What guidelines do you try to follow? Do you attempt to look at all the issues? Nobody is perfect; however, some websites are less perfect than others.

The Vatican and the USCCB both have stated defending life is first and foremost.I agree, and waging war is not helping to defend life (though many people tend to want to state things like, PEACE through WAR, Spread our Liberty, Liberators not Occupiers, etc.)

Sites like this ignore that call and confuse Catholics.Well, I think that's your opinion I guess. They might say the same about this website. Who's to decide who's right? Get it?

By the way, I'm not in any way affiliated with that blogsite- I've never heard of it before you mentioned it.

7:59 AM  
Blogger David said...

Never said I was non-partisan. In fact the title of the blog should lead most to think in fact I am pretty biased towards President Bush.

You gloss over the fact that a supposedly non-partisan site has accused the president of targeting civilians. And indirectly accused all the men and women who serve in the military of the same. That is false. Is that not bearing false witness a sin? Are you condoning that?

Including the war as a life issue again confuses Catholics when looking to the teachings of the Church for guidance. In an interview with Zenit news service, Cardinal Dulles explained, "The Church recognizes that there are occasions when war and the death penalty are justified, even though such measures are undesirable and should be kept to the necessary minimum . . . Catholics who fully accept the doctrine of the Church can sometimes disagree about whether a given war or death sentence is morally defensible."

However, with regard to abortion, Cardinal Dulles said, "Abortion is in a different class. As the deliberate taking of innocent human life, direct abortion can never be justified. About the moral principle, there can be no debate in the Church. The teaching has been constant and emphatic."

I guess Cardinal Dulles does not know what he is talking about though. All those years studying and teaching theology have just sent him astray huh?

Also, the USCCB, in a 1998 pastoral letter, Living the Gospel of Life: A Challenge to American Catholics, made unmistakably clear that the pro-life issue carried more weight than other issues because it involved the moral foundations of American democracy.

Chew on that for a bit and get back to me.

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never said I was non-partisan. In fact the title of the blog should lead most to think in fact I am pretty biased towards President Bush.Pot calling kettle?

You gloss over the fact that a supposedly non-partisan site has accused the president of targeting civilians. And indirectly accused all the men and women who serve in the military of the same. That is false. Is that not bearing false witness a sin? Are you condoning that?What, when did I do that accusing?

Including the war as a life issue again confuses Catholics when looking to the teachings of the Church for guidance. In an interview with Zenit news service, Cardinal Dulles explained, "The Church recognizes that there are occasions when war and the death penalty are justified, even though such measures are undesirable and should be kept to the necessary minimum . . . Catholics who fully accept the doctrine of the Church can sometimes disagree about whether a given war or death sentence is morally defensible."Well, when has the church ever NOT seen the justification for war? Hmmm.. K?

However, with regard to abortion, Cardinal Dulles said, "Abortion is in a different class. As the deliberate taking of innocent human life, direct abortion can never be justified. About the moral principle, there can be no debate in the Church. The teaching has been constant and emphatic."So yer basically against the USCCB and the Catholic Church on this point, right?

Also, the USCCB, in a 1998 pastoral letter, Living the Gospel of Life: A Challenge to American Catholics, made unmistakably clear that the pro-life issue carried more weight than other issues because it involved the moral foundations of American democracy.What? Show us the letter. In fact prove to us that what your stating here is what the USCCB currently believe and I'll shut up.

4:39 PM  

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