Thursday, October 14, 2004

Article of Faith

Kerry says faith affects his other positions, so why not abortion?

What article of faith was Kerry talking about? That abortion kills an innocent human being? That's not a peculiarly Catholic belief or "article of faith." Plenty of people who aren't Catholics think abortion entails taking an innocent human life. President Bush does, and he's a Methodist, not a Catholic. So too many Lutherans, Baptists, Nazarenes, Presbyterians, and Episcopalians agree with faithful Catholics and President Bush. Then there are non-Christians, including many Jews, Muslims, and Hindus, for whom abortion is the killing an innocent human being. Indeed, some people with no religion at all or who deny God's existence take the same position.

How, then, can opposition to abortion rights be "an article of faith"? Or if it is, why should that preclude opposing abortion on other grounds held in common with people who don't necessarily share one's faith?

Apparently, whatever scruples Senator Kerry has about his Catholicism informing his views of abortion and embryonic-stem-cell research don't affect his stances on many other political issues.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So it's all about Pro Life. VOTE FOR BUSH!!!! HE EXECUTED 152 PRISONERS DURING HIS TERM AS TEXAS GOVERNOR!!!!! That promotes a culture of life!! When does the respect and dignity for life end? All the abortion people seem to forget about death row. Or don't those lives matter? Bush is a murderer. Kerry is pro murder/choice. Kerry never gave the call to flip the switch. I'm Catholic and God help us all if Bush gets re-elected!

9:04 PM  

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