Friday, October 08, 2004

Studies Show Values Are More Effective Than Condoms In Avoiding AIDS

From C-FAM (Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute)

The Pontifical Council for the Family recently released a reflection by Alfonso Cardinal Lopez Trujillo that strongly makes the case for abstinence and fidelity within marriage as significantly more effective than condoms at halting the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

Cardinal Lopez Trujillo wrote the document, "Family Values Versus Safe Sex," in response to a BBC film that he says "deliberately and systematically criticize[d] the Catholic Church for supposedly contributing to the death of people by not allowing the use of condoms to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS."

Lopez Trujillo asserts that on the contrary, the Church's position is the only "truly human and responsible" stance while campaigns which "promise victory over AIDS only if the use of the condom is generalized" actually create a "false sense of security" and encourage sexual promiscuity "which is the first cause of the epidemic."

Lopez Trujillo points out that condoms are often ineffective because of manufacturing defects and other defects from "shipping, handling and storage" and treatment by the end user. The US Food and Drug Administration allows the sale of batches of condoms whose rate of defects is not more than 4 per 1000. Yet "[i]f four leaking condoms are allowed in every batch of 1,000, there could be hundreds of thousands or even millions of leaking condoms circulating all over the world...Does the public know this?" Even more alarming is that while US standards for condom manufacturing is high, standards in other parts of the world are much lower, making these condoms even more dangerous.

What's more, even perfect condoms tend to be used incorrectly. A study by the Medical Institute in Texas found that "When given a basic list of procedures for correct condom use, less than half of sexually active adolescents report they use condoms correctly."

The Vatican-based Cardinal finds that "safe sex" campaigns are "gravely irresponsible" because they "hide" this information and create a false "illusion of the condom's efficiency," thereby encouraging a "greater spread" of the "behavior and lifestyles that are responsible for the epidemic. Lopez Trujillo believes that "safe sex" rhetoric persists despite the evidence of condom failure for at least two reasons. The first reason is the condom industry itself, which has been successful in thwarting studies of condom effectiveness at preventing the transmission of AIDS. The second is the what he calls the "'ideology' of the powerful against the poor in line with 'population control'."

Lopez Trujillo stresses that abstinence and marital fidelity, the only approaches corresponding to the "totality of the human person" and "the will of God," are also the only effective means of preventing the spread of AIDS. The Cardinal cites the Philippines and Thailand as examples. AIDS was found in both countries around the same time. Thailand dealt with the problem by introducing a vigorous campaign of "100% Condom Use" while in the Philippines the Church and government opposed "the condom program and sexual promiscuity" and low rates of condom use continued. Today, "there are around 750,000 cases [of HIV/ AIDS] in Thailand...[and] only 1,935 cases in the Philippines - and this considering that the Philippines' population is around 30% greater than Thailand's!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>Lopez Trujillo stresses that abstinence and marital fidelity, the only approaches corresponding to the "totality of the human person" and "the will of God," are also the only effective means of preventing the spread of AIDS.

So, are you more of an Augustinian when it comes to evils of concupiscence, or do you subscribe to Russell's view of sexuality? Since we are talkin bout values and sexuality and all...

6:36 AM  

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