Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Bush on the Dems

"If leaders of the other party have innovative ideas, let's hear them. But if they have no ideas or policies except obstruction, they should step aside and let others lead." -- George W. Bush


Anonymous Anonymous said...

#1 reason Blogger comments suck: the wilfully idiotic, like the commenter above, can post with impunity. There isn't thing one that the blogger can do to stop their trolling.

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Historically, ameriKans are the absolute stupidest people on the planet. I hope they rot. "

This statements brings to mind a song from the 70's; Feelings... Nothing more than Feelings!!!

I see no proof in this statement - perhaps the poster would abandon his feelings for one moment and try to discuss facts instead.

5:17 PM  

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