Friday, July 16, 2004

Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's case against Kerry

Senator Kerry has been my senator in Massachusetts for almost 20 years. I don't know what he stands for. His conflicted positions have been well documented as have his tortured explanations of them. I believe they flow from conflicts of interest that he has difficulty reconciling.
He wants to make medicine more affordable for all, but he can't rein in malpractice windfalls for trial lawyers, who support him. He wants better education, but he can't take on the education unions. He wants to make government more effective and slimmer, but he can't take on the public unions. He says he opposes gay marriage, but he votes against the Defense of Marriage Act. He votes for free trade and NAFTA, but he decries it in an election year.

He argues for better intelligence in the homeland, but attacks our most effective tool for intelligence, the Patriot Act. He's quick to point out the obvious flaws in the Iraq military campaign, but slow to tell us what he would do from here, for he wishes to appease as long as possible both those in his party who want to walk away and those in his party who want to finish the job correctly. In my view, John Kerry is simply too conflicted to be president of the United States. There are too many special interests.

President Bush makes decisions which flow from his love and belief that he should do everything in his power to make America a great land and to serve the American people. I believe that in the end the American people will make the right choice.

From the Kerry Spot on National Review Online


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